The electronic components market is flooded by counterfeit. Here are some insights regarding the risks, costs and techniques used by counterfeiters.
AIRENC has created a new peer-to-peer transaction platform to match buyers with unsold electronic components.
Digitized supply chains can bring resilience amid disruption. Here are some key strategies to help you make your supply chain more resilient.
Diversifying sourcing for electronic components is a better solution for OEMs and EMS companies to consider.
Learn how OEMs can build a resilient supply chain and successfully navigate the ongoing supply chain crunch.
To reduce global supply chain crisis, OEMs & EMSs must build and strengthen connected supply chains and improve resilience.
To reduce e-waste, electronics manufacturers must implement various strategies to extend the lifecycle of components/parts.
Improving efficiency in the electronic supply chain requires creating redundancies to mitigate disruptions.
New approaches, flexibility, optimization and collaboration are important to reduce supply chain risks.
Discover ways OEMs & EMS can achieve a green supply chain in order to drive sustainability within the electronic components supply chain.
Adopting circular economy to your manufacturing means giving your components second life through recycling and resell.
Expect a rebound to normalcy in the electronic component industry during 2023, that’s what experts say regarding the ongoing electronic components shortages.
At AIRENC, we help OEMs buy electronic components with traceable history and visibility. Below we’ve put together important items to consider when evaluating alternate suppliers for your components.
The automotive industry is the hardest hit by global semiconductor shortages. Here’s why.
Shift to circular model would mitigate flaws of linear production economy and transform the electronics supply chain.
Preparing your supply chain for a potential disruption is critical, especially amid the global electronic components shortage. Here’s how to prepare your supply chain for the bullwhip effect.
What is a green bullwhip effect? Applying the circular economy concepts can help OEMs & EMS control the green bullwhip effect in the face of environmental pressures.
OEMs/EMS can drive efficiency and supply chain resiliency through business-to-business collaboration powered by AIRENC.
What’s the difference between a B2B marketplace and a community based platform? Which one is better? The emergence of peer-to-peer platforms like AIRENC gives OEMs & EMS opportunity to maximise sales and optimize inventory.
The electronic components supply chain is upended by the bullwhip effect. AIRENC helps OEMs and EMS gain comprehensive insights into demand forecasting to limit the impact of the bullwhip effect.
Electronic components market demand forecasting could benefit from peer-to-peer transaction platform like AIRENC to gain real-time market insights.
AIRENC enables OEMS and EMS to take back control of their supply chain by leveraging a collaborative community of suppliers, buyers and other trading partners.
The electronic components shortage of 2020 was caused by the bullwhip effect. How are OEMs impacted? Here’s everything you need to know about the electronic components crisis, OEM, EMS, ODM and more.
Learn how the electronic component crisis has created a looming overstock situation for manufacturers. OEMs can reduce the financial impact of excess inventory by selling surplus stock on AIRENC community-oriented transaction platform.
OEMs and EMSs can navigate the electronic components crisis by leveraging the new AIRENC transaction platform to find small volume and urgent components.
With the global components shortage persisting and several industries taking the hit, OEMs and EMSs are left wondering where to buy electronic components. AIRENC is a unique transaction platform for buying and selling electronic components that helps address the bullwhip effect of fluctuating demand.
The global semiconductor industry is seeing a blueprint of what supply chain experts call the bullwhip effect. Here’s how the industry can solve the bullwhip effect.
Bullwhip effect happens when the fluctuations in the order sequence grow larger for suppliers farther away from the customers driven by changing demand. AIRENC can help OEMs & EMSs mitigate the bullwhip effect in the electronics components supply chain.
AIRENC enables OEMs to sell excess components inventory to potential buyers and avoid overstock problems caused by the chip crisis.
We Will Curate For You News, Tips, Articles, And Best Practices About The Supply Chain And The Electronic Components Market.